The Bubble Line

The bubble line is fly-fishing parlance for the small air bubbles that float along a river’s current. Fishermen use these bubbles to indicate the pace their fly should float to look natural, coaxing a fish to bite. This requires calm, still observation and a rhythm with nature. This blog aims to embody that spirit of observation and rhythm. Some posts may be factual. Others, less so. Either way, we're just looking for a bite.

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The Bubble Line

The bubble line is fly-fishing parlance for the small air bubbles that float along a river’s current. Fishermen use these bubbles to indicate the pace their fly should float to look natural, coaxing a fish to bite.

Put another way, the bubble line is how one follows the rhythm of the environment. This requires calm, still observation as well as a recognition of one’s place in the ecosystem. It resonates with my philosophy as a clinical social worker and as a writer who focuses on the intersections of mental health and the environment. This blog explores the role of nature in mental health, symbolically seen in the bubble line. At times I'll be the fisherman, watching patiently, trying to find the harmony that brings connection. Other times, I want to be the bubbles, a marker to help others find their rhythm.